Techvia Alliance - Wipro joins hand with IISc

Wipro with Indian Institute of Science(IISc) has joined hands as parterned to carry out advanced applied research in autonomous systems, robotics and fifth generation (5G) telecom. The joint set up of the two organization is said to be WIRIN (Wipro IISc Research and Innovation Network), a hybrid collaboration of industry academia unit aimed at driving idea discovery, research and innovation in technology and product design. The team of WIRIN constitute engineers, developers, architects and researchers from Wipro of the autonomous systems, robotics and 5G and a group of senior professors and research staff from IISc. The focus will be at the research and development of cutting-edge technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Visual Computing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X). Researches insights will be leveraged for the customers and the industry ecosystem. The Institute will benefit research outcomes from advancing its research goals and capacity building. Both, the organizations believes that the collaboration between academia and the industry is a great way of solving challenges of real-world problems, and are confident that the strong technology capabilities and capable talent will come together to make notable strides in particular domain.