Techvia Alliance - Companies struggle with sourcing quality Tech Talent

There is a surge in the demand for quality technology professionals in companies. According to 'Tech Hiring & Technology Adoption Trends 2019, the majority of the companies surveyed almost 42 percent of the companies faces biggest challenge while sourcing top tech candidates for them in hiring and recuriment process. The demand for quality technology professionals all over the world has resulted in a steep rise because of Rapid digital transformation across domains. Everybody is onboarding the automation bandwagon companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain quality tech talent. The Tech-driven best practices and widening demand- supply gap on account of inadequate knowledge. The survey reported with 350 industry leaders from over 200 companies of different sizes. The survey revealed that one-fifth  of the respondents cited the time taken to close a tech position causing the potential engagement to fall through. Also, report further reveals that a competitor firm offering better package contributed a candidate to decline a job offer of more than 50 percent. The reason that lead a candidate to accept a job offer includes the pay package the quality of work. Tech recruiters source candidates on employee referrals about more than one-fifth while 22 percent used job portals and forums. Campus hiring reported to having the highest success rate by closing tech positions 67 per cent of the time. Evaluation of the candidates comprise on the required tech skills and the up-skilling as and when necessary. The basis for evaluation forms  the cognitive ability and learning agility of the candidates.