The smartphone market in India saw its highest-ever shipment of 36.9 million in the second quarter (Q2) of 2019 -- with 9.9 per cent year-on-year (YoY) and 14.8 per cent quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) growth. According to “Asia/Pacific Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker” report by International Data Corporation (IDC), Xiaomi’s shipment volume grow by 4.8 per cent (YoY) in quarter two while Samsung registered 16.6 per cent (YoY) growth in low and mid-price segments. The online channel continued its growth momentum fueled by multiple new launches, attractive offers and affordability schemes like EMI/cashback, despite the efforts by almost all vendors towards multi-channel retailing. The online channel reported 12.4 per cent growth YoY. In quarter two a total of 69.3 million mobile phones were shipped to India, which was up 7.6 per cent over the previous quarter. Smartphone market in India will continue its growth trajectory in the second half of this year.