Techvia Alliance – Cheap and low power network developed for 5G

A cheaper and more efficient method for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been developed by researchers to receive high-speed wireless connectivity. By the year 2025, a growing strain will be placed on requirements of wireless networks as 75 billion IoT devices to be expected in place. The study by researchers from the University of Waterloo presented at ACM SIGCOMM 2019 conference in China stated that, to support the influx of IoT devices contemporary WiFi and cellular networks will not be enough. A network Millimetre-wave (mmWave), that offers multi-gigahertz of unlicensed bandwidth allocated more than 200 times to today's WiFi and cellular networks which can be used to address the looming issue. The hardware that is required in many IoT applications to use mmWave is expensive and power-hungry, which are significant deterrents to it being deployed. A novel mmWave network called mmX is created to address the existing challenges in exploiting mmWave for IoT applications. Enabling the use of ‘mmX’ in all IoT applications, it reduces cost and power consumption of a mmWave network. The ‘mmX’ provides much higher bitrate, In comparison to WiFi and Bluetooth, which are slow for many IoT applications.  It not only will improve our WiFi and wireless experience receiving much faster internet connectivity for all IoT devices. It can only be used in applications such as virtual reality, autonomous cars, data centres and wireless cellular networks. The traditional use of WiFi and lower frequency in homes can now communicate using high-speed mmWave networks.