Techvia Alliance – AI tech players seek 'Sense of urgency'

Global tech companies top players kicked off work on Monday to draw up global ethical standards related to data and artificial intelligence, with a "sense of urgency” voiced by Microsoft's president. For the first Swiss Global Digital Summit some dozens of high-ranking representatives of the global and Swiss economies , as well as scientists and academics, met in Geneva aimed at agreement on ethical guidelines seek to steer technological development. The participants include high-level representatives from Facebook, Google, Huawei and IBM and the heads of Credit Suisse, UBS and Adecco to meet again at the World Economic Forum in Davos next January. Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) will be launched there and will present a list of concrete projects which could include things like the development of a "transparency label" or a "label". Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president insisted on the importance that "technology be guided by values, and that those values be translated into principles and that those principles be pursued by concrete steps." He also stressed on the need for "transparency" and "accountability” ensuring the who create technology, including companies like the one work for remain accountable to the public at large. Microsoft are the first generation of people who could build machines having the capability and power, to make decisions that have in the past only been made by people. There is need to start taking steps with a sense of urgency. Ueli Maurer, Swiss president who hosted the meeting stated that there is no trust among the public to support digital development. There is need for transparency, trust and commitment.