Techvia Alliance - ‘Ray of Hope’ for smartphone industry in 2020

As the smartphone shipment growth is back in positive territory the smartphone market is on its path to recovery, a report by Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker International Data Corporation (IDC). Though there is global economic uncertainty mixed with constant trade/tariff threats the report suggest that there is a ray of hope arrived for the smartphone world in the form of 5G. In many regions commercial deployments have begun, while 2019 year is best as an introductory year 2020 looks to be the year where 5G begins to ramp up. IDC expects shipment volumes of smartphone nearly to be flat with - 0.4% in the second half of 2019, also forecasted that growth in shipment will reach up to 1.6% in 2020 IDC suggests that this include 5G shipments. In 2020, it is expected that 5G shipments will reach at 8.9% of smartphones, accounting for 123.5 million devices shipped and by 2023 to grow smartphone shipments up to 28.1% worldwide. The Android's smartphone share will be increased rom 85.1% in 2018 to 87.0% in 2019, mostly due to 5G launch and expedited inventory cleanup of older devices. With a push from the new devices available in 2019, Android ASPs are estimated to grow by 3.2% in 2019 to $263, up from $254 in 2018. But, for IOS IDC says 2019 will be challenging year for iPhones. The iPhone shipments are expected to drop to 177.9 million, down 14.8% year over year because of both market maturity as well as a lack of 5G devices. Apple’s 2020 iPhones hat are said to offer 5G connectivity, IDC says that it will rise in a much more planned launch as it will have an edge over other vendors with a better understanding of 5G market.